Tuesday, 17 April 2012

What's the Difference Between a BB Cream and a Tinted Moisturiser???

If you are looking for the answer to this question then you might as well not read any further. This is a question I am posing to anyone who reads this as I genuinely do not know the answer. A while ago I posted here about the BB cream that Garnier were giving away free samples of if you liked their facebook page. Mine arrived in the post a few weeks ago and I was so excited to try them out!

The little package contained 3 sachets of the 'wonder cream' and I've so far used one sachet. Based on first impressions I do not think I will be buying the full sized product but there is still 2 sachets left, after which I could possibly change my mind (but I doubt it).

I watch a whole load of makeup gurus on youtube and they all rave about how miraculous BB creams are for achieving a flawless finish. I had my doubts long before I tried this one. My suspicions were somewhat verified when I watched a video by 'gossmakeupartist' in which he talks about BB creams as being little more than glorified tinted moisturiers. You can watch the video by clicking HERE.

In the description box of the video mentioned above, he says:

"A moisturiser? A primer? A foundation? A concealer? A sunblock? Covers acne? Yes, thats what BB creams can do... apparently. BB Cream really is trying to be everything to everyone and if its not careful will be nothing to no one. In truth a BB cream is nothing more than a tinted moisturiser. Suddenly not so exciting is it!"

He does make a disclaimer that in the video he is specifically talking about Western BB creams and not the Asian BB creams that became so popular in the beauty circle a while back. I have not tried any of the Asian ones. Is there a difference?

Judging also by the fact that I have only seen two shades of BB cream - Light/Medium and Medium/Dark, I would say that in this respect it falls short of a tinted moisturiser, which comes in many different shades.

I would love to know your thoughts!! Please voice your opinions in the comment box.

Au revoir!

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