I can't really remember what it said, but I know it was about St. David's Day... Which, as it happens, is today. March 1st 2012... and March 1st every other year also.
St. David's Day is the celebration of the patron saint of Wales. He was a monk who lived in the 6th Century. A few stories surround the life of St. David. Probably the most well known being the miraculous event that happened whilst he was once preaching to a crowd. Such a large group of people had gathered that people were finding it difficult to see and hear the man. It is said that at this point the ground beneath him raised up so that all could see and hear the Word of God.
Another story linked to Welsh history and St. David concerns our national symbol - the leek. It is said that when the Welsh were fighting the Saxons, St. David told the Welsh to place a leek in their hats so that they could distinguish each other from the enemy. From then on the leek has been linked to Wales, with people sometimes wearing a leek symbol as well as a daffodil on St. David's Day, or carrying a blow up leek to a rugby match!
Finally, the third thing that I associate with St. David was a phrase which has become very well known since his death. Just before he died on March 1st at around 100 years old, he uttered the phrase "Gwnewch y pethau bychain", which means "Do the little things". A reminder to us that we don't have to be famous or do outrageous things to get satisfaction in life, but it's the kind words and little acts of generosity that will make other peoples' day and in turn, make us truly happy.
Above is a picture of me dressed in traditional Welsh costume, sitting on my brother's lap. We had to wear this costume to school on St. David's Day for photographs which would appear in the local paper a week later. Fun times!
So, in true celebration of all things Welsh, here is my WELSH WORD WALL (see my amazing use of alliteration there?). A selection of words that I associate with my beloved country:Welsh cakes (Google them!)
Male Voice Choirs
Coal Mines
Cawl (Google! Yummy)
Bara Brith (Google)
Yr Iaith Cymraeg (The Welsh Language)
If you can think of any more good ones, let me know and I will add them to the list! So once again, Happy Saint David's Day to all you Welshies out there, whether you live in Wales or elswhere. Have a great day celebrating your Welshness! :)
Da bo ti!
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